In Truffle Products

A Taste of the South West: a food and beverage capability guide.

Stonebarn in Food Guide

The Food Industry Innovation program delivered by the Department of Primary
Industries and Regional Development supports Western Australia’s premium
and value-add food and beverage producers to overcome barriers to growth,
reduce risks around planned expenditure and capture new opportunities for
growth through provision of a range of tools and services.
Food and Beverage Capability Guides act as a single capture point for regional
food and beverage products. They provide featured producers with an
opportunity to build new connections with local consumers, retailers, buyers,
wholesalers, chefs, caterers, tourism operators and regional event organisers.
Many of these contacts may have previously been unaware of regional product
and its unique value proposition.

Click on the link below to see us featured on page 211 of the guide:

A Taste of the South West

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